# 15.2b The symbols() approach =========================================== 15.2b
# Output a png file
png(filename = "illustrations/fig-15-6-symbols-BW.png",
units = "in", # Set measurements in inches
res = 1200, # Set resolution at 1200dpi
width = 6, # Width at 6 inches
height = 4) # Height at 6 inches
par(mai = c(1, 1, .25, .25))
symbols(x = c(1:3), y = c(2, 4, 3), # Set up some X and Y values
circles = c(1, 2, 1.5), # Circle radii
bg = gray.colors(3), # Circle colors from gray palette
xlim = c(0,5), ylim = c(0,5), # Set range of plot
xlab = "X", ylab = "Y") # Set axis labels
myRect = rbind(c(1.5, .75), # Set widths for 2 rectangles
c(.75, 2)) # Set heights for 2 rectangles
symbols(x = c(2, 4), y = c(2, 3), # 2nd symbol plot X & Y coords
add = TRUE, # Overlay on previous plot
rectangles = myRect, # Add rectangles
bg = c("lightgray", "darkgray")) # Rectangle colors
dev.off() # Close png device to output plot
Figure: 15-6: Drawing Symbols
Portfolio Categories: All Graphics and SGR Book Graphics.