The default version of the pie chart (in color)
Figure 15-1c: A Color Plot
A color version of the plot showing colors set by random normal deviates
Figure 15-2c: Color Transparency
Adding transparency values to colors in R graphics
Bar Chart over Grid
A simple bar chart over a gray background with white horizontal grid lines
R Color Chart 1
A chart showing R named colors
R Color Chart 2
A grid of the second 100 named colors in R
R Color Chart 3
A grid of 100 more R named colors
R Color Chart 4
A grid of 100 more named colors in R graphics
R Color Chart 5
Another grid of 100 R graphics named colors
R Color Chart 6
A grid of 100 named gray shades from R graphics
R Color Chart 7
A grid of named R colors, in this case all gray shades