Figure 3-2: R Factor Objects

Portfolio Categories: All Graphics and SGR Book Graphics.

fig-3-2-R factors

# Figure 3.2 - A graphic showing factor vectors --------------------------------

# This is another exercise in drawing with R. 
# This starts with the custom ovals function from chapter 10 and the
# custom arrows function from chapter 14 already loaded.

png(filename = "illustrations/fig-3-2-R factors.png",
  units = "in",                        # Set measurements in inches
  res = 1200,                          # Set resolution at 1200dpi
  width = 6,                           # Width at 6 inches
  height = 4)                          # Height at 4 inches

par(mai = c(0, 0, 0, 0))               # Set margins - no Title
par(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1))               # Set coordinates to 0,1 space
                                       # Start a new plot

text(x = .15, y = .97,                 # The vector you see text
  labels = "The vector\nyou see:",
  pos = 1,                             # Place text below and centered
  cex = 1.5,                           # Set font size
  font = 2,                            # Bold
  family = "serif")

text(x = .15, y = .65,                 # What you see vector
  pos = 1,                             # Place text below and centered
  cex = 1,                             # Font size
  family = "sans")

  x = c(.09, .075, .075, .09),         # Add brackets for what you see vector
  y = c(.65, .65, .2, .2),
  col = "black",
  lwd = 2)

  x = c(.21, .225, .225, .21),
  y = c(.65, .65, .2, .2),
  col = "black",
  lwd = 2)

segments(x0 = .3, x1 = .3,             # Dividing Line
  y0 = .05, y1 = .95,
  lwd = 4,
  col = "gray")

text(x = .6, y = .97,                  # Vectors R Sees text
  labels = "The vectors R sees:",
  pos = 1,                             # Place text below and centered
  cex = 1.5,                           # Font size
  font = 2,                               
  family = "serif")

text(x = .45, y = .89,                 # Levels Vector text
  labels = "The\nLevels\nVector",
  pos = 1,                             # Place text below and centered
  cex = 1,                             # Font size
  font = 2,                            # Bold
  family = "serif")

text(x = .45, y = .625,                # Levels Vector
  labels = 'L1: "L"\nL2: "S"',
  pos = 1,                             # Place text below and centered
  cex = 1,                             # Font size
  family = "sans")

lines(                                 # Add brackets for levels vector
  x = c(.39, .375, .375, .39),
  y = c(.65, .65, .475, .475),
  col = "black",
  lwd = 2)

  x = c(.51, .525, .525, .51),
  y = c(.65, .65, .475, .475),
  col = "black",
  lwd = 2)
                                       # Pointers vector text
text(x = .6, y = .89,
  labels = "The\nPointers\nVector",
  pos = 1,                             # Place text below and centered
  cex = 1,                             # Font size
  font = 2,                            # Bold
  family = "serif")   

text(x = .6, y = .62,                  # Pointers vector
  labels = "2\n2\n1\n1\n1\n2\n2",
  pos = 1,                             # Place text below and centered
  cex = 1.05,                          # Font size
  family = "sans")

lines(                                 # Add brackets for pointers vector
  x = c(.565, .55, .55, .565),
  y = c(.65, .65, .2, .2),
  col = "black",
  lwd = 2)

  x = c(.635, .65, .65, .635),
  y = c(.65, .65, .2, .2),
  col = "black",
  lwd = 2)
text(x = .75, y = .89,                 # Labels vector text
  labels = "The\nLabels\nVector\n(optional)",
  pos = 1,                             # Place text below and centered
  cex = 1,                             # Font size
  font=2,                              # Bold
  family = "serif")

text(x = .75, y = .625,                # Labels vector
  labels = '"Large"\n"Small"',
  pos = 1,                             # Place text below and centered
  cex = 1,                             # Font size
  family = "sans")

lines(                                 # Add brackets for labels vector
  x = c(.69, .675, .675, .69),
  y = c(.65, .65, .475, .475),
  col = "black",
  lwd = 2)

  x = c(.81, .825, .825, .81),
  y = c(.65, .65, .475, .475),
  col = "black",
  lwd = 2)                              # Output png file